September 2, 2020

The mass migration to the “Work From Anywhere” model

Working from home (WFH) used to be a luxury for the relatively affluent white-collared workers before coronavirus. This is not the case anymore. The pandemic is forcing more people to work from home in an unprecedented way. A global survey conducted by Gartner, Inc. found that “88% of the business...
September 2, 2020

SD-WAN meets Kubernetes

Kubernetes is the de-facto container management system for all sorts of distributed workloads. Known for its extensibility and community support, there are numerous plugins for multiple use cases. The most unpredictable element for any distributed system is the network. A distributed system is as strong as its weakest link. As...
November 1, 2018

INFOGRAPHIC: The Increasing Demand of Bandwidth

      Transformation to digital is at its peak. We’re in the next phase of Digital Evolution. With more customers demanding seamless experience through digital, Enterprise Network today demands a continuous supply of Bandwidth. Lavelle’s SD-WAN solution is able to address unique requirements of businesses planning to improve their...
September 27, 2018

SDN and NFV: Helping IT build Next-Gen Enterprise Network

IT flies deeper into the future of enterprise networking with Wings – SDN and NFV. The complementary duo together are transforming Enterprise networking in the age of Digitization. What’s the ballyhoo all about?   The world is virtual today. And what makes it shine like the Orion are vast numbers...