SD-WAN Platform
With a 100% SDN Architecture in the WAN and zero protocol conversion, Lavelle Networks SD-WAN Solution helps you transform legacy MPLS infrastructure to a Safer, Faster and Simpler WAN.
Read MoreBlog » Networking As a Service- NaaS Transforms Networking with SD-WAN
Probably you’ve seen this message while connecting devices to Wireless or Wired Home Network (Internet). If no go, you then visit the control panel to the Network and Security centre. Post a hectic troubleshoot, your ISP informs you that there is some Network issue that will be solved by 48 hours.
For you the next 48 hours it’s going to be more than just difficult! You won’t be able to book your ride to the office, order monthly groceries which you were supposed to get by the day, stay connected with social channels. In other words, you stay disconnected with the world online. Alas, you decide to buy a 3G/4G/5G internet service card from a local store. 48 hours without the Internet today for you means less accessibility, affordability and agility. Software-defined networking is drastically changing the way we see bandwidth, application performance and network availability for enterprise networks. Will the same technological advancements become viable enough to reach consumers with offerings like Networking as a Service- NaaS?
While the physical world is evolving towards being virtual, Network is playing a pivotal role in helping you stay Connected. No one better than businesses understand the value of Networks today. Unlike you, large scale businesses handling several devices, applications and connections from varied locations across the globe, do not have the option to buy or recharge. They need to ensure uninterrupted (Internet) Network access for customers, employees, partners and third-party vendors.
For long business networks were driven by legacy infrastructures. But with the advent of the internet, it is no more possible. Modern Applications, devices, and technology requires speed, agility and flexibility. Distributing Internet over a rigid Network set up costs companies 10 times more than what they are paying now using next-generation Network Solutions – Software Defined Networking solution. Like when your ISP failed for 48 hours, you had to go shell out extra bucks to get a recharge card even after paying your monthly internet bill. For companies, these interruptions cost a lot of money.
So, can Network in the future can be offered as a service to consumers as well as businesses? Well, already network solution providers are offering Networking as a Service- NaaS to businesses.
The rise of cloud managed services has compelled businesses to adopt flexible, scalable and agile Network Infrastructures. The biggest advantage of NaaS is the complete control and flexibility that businesses can gain. Network administrators can exert total control on the allocation and provisioning of the bandwidth. Ensuring there is endless flexibility for network capacity and scalability. This flexibility also extends to the location of the business and of course, pricing models.
NaaS is a cloud model, which provides businesses with network services over the Internet on pay-per-use or subscription consumption models. This has allowed businesses to get rid of maintaining and monitoring hardware’s and round-the-clock network management – it’s all in the past now. Cloud networking saves the cost of investing in and running network infrastructure.
So why businesses were slow in adopting NaaS?
Earlier shifting to the cloud was riskier with respect to security, compliance and reliability. NaaS was no different. While it is not a new concept, enterprises have been slow to embrace it mainly due to concerns around issues of availability guarantees, SLAs and concerns regarding security, data privacy and compliance.
But today it is safe to say that cloud computing will be the future platform for all businesses. As the move towards cloud accelerates, enterprises will need to consider network virtualization more seriously. After all, the benefits of cloud (cloud networking) – speed, agility, low costs and scalability – have proven to be irresistible in the past.
Also Read: Why the Cloud Will Drive the Next Wave of Innovation in Networking?
Why the demand for NaaS is higher Now?
SD-WAN (software-defined wide area network) has opened new doors for Network Service Providers to offer NaaS to more Enterprise Business. While businesses today are expanding globally, relying on data and applications on the cloud and driven by mobile workforce, SD-WAN is addressing the right IT needs. It allows one network with one security framework for all users and all applications which makes IT leaner, more agile. And while SD-WAN has proven to be a valuable evolution of today’s WAN, it has successfully encouraged businesses to adopt NaaS by bringing a new vision for networking and security to today’s business.
As businesses adapt to market changes and new technology landscapes, cloud computing is playing a pivotal role, providing alternative ways to access core business technology. The humongous cost of deploying and maintaining complex in-house legacy systems, along the need to keep up with consumer expectations, are leading businesses to increasingly demand innovative, flexible and cost-effective deployment models for their Network Infrastructures.
According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) SD-WAN infrastructure and services revenues expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 69.6% and will reach $8.05 billion in 2021. That’s no surprise looking at the current demand of SD-WAN. It not only promises greater operational agility but business resiliency and higher quality of experience for all end-users. Moreover, to lay the foundation of Digital Transformation, CIOs today are in a constant hunt for new networking technologies. With SD-WAN businesses today can well visualize networking and security today as well as in the future.
What is your take on Networking as a Service- NaaS and SD-WAN? Is your organisation ready for the transformation? Share your views on the comments below.
Sources referred while crafting the above blog:
SD-WAN Platform
With a 100% SDN Architecture in the WAN and zero protocol conversion, Lavelle Networks SD-WAN Solution helps you transform legacy MPLS infrastructure to a Safer, Faster and Simpler WAN.
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